Monday, July 29, 2019

Apa Format Cheat Sheet

Space once after periods on the reference list | Title Page Format   p. 229Example: p. 41Exception: You do NOT need to include an Author Note| The title page should include the following five items:   1. Header flush left:Running head: ABBREVIATED TITLE (maximum 50 characters)   2. Page number flush righttitle page is page 1  Ã‚   3. Centered and in the upper half of the page (double spaced): Title of PaperStudent NameAmerican Sentinel University| Body of Paper| 1. Header flush left:ABBREVIATED TITLE   2. Page number flush right   3. Center title on first line of first page  | Headingsp. 62| 4. Use at least one level of heading (Level 1), though depending on paper length, two levels of headings (Levels 1 2) may enhance readability Level 1Centered with bold font, upper and lower case lettersLevel 2Flush left, bold font, upper and lower case letters(See the APA manual for three additional levels of headings used for longer papers). | Introduction/Conclusion  pp. 27; 63| The first paragraph of all papers should introduce the reader to what the paper will be about, and include a purpose statement. It is assumed that the first paragraph is the introduction; therefore, do not use â€Å"Introduction† as a heading. Close the paper with a conclusion or summary that summarizes the key points of the paper. You do not need to say â€Å"In conclusion† because the heading says that. For the â€Å"how-to’s† of writing a great intro and conclusion, see: http://www. princeton. edu/writing/center/resources/introconcl. pdf| Writing Style  p. 69; also see: http://blog. apastyle. org/apastyle/2009/09/use-of-first-person-in-apa-style. html| Writing in the third person is standard at American Sentinel, though there are exceptions (check with your instructor); avoid use of person all together when possible. Chapter 3 of the APA manual has some great writing tips! Here are a few additional resources students have found helpful in writing papers:    1. Principles of Composition 2. Correct use of Punctuation 3. How to do a Final Polish/Edit of your Assignment 4. Mission Critical—Critical Thinking Interactive Tutorial| Quotation 40 Words or More   pp. 92; 171-173|   Use block quotationno quotation marks, page number preceded by the period at the end of the last sentence. Note: Limit use of direct quotations! Better to paraphrase and cite. | Writing in a Series (Seriation) pp. 63-65| Use numbers to indicate an ordered position (e. . , of importance): 1. 2. Can use bullet points if there is no order of importance or chronology: * * As part of a sentence: Options for writing a list in APA format includes (a) numbers, (b) bullet points, and (c) lower case letters in parenthesis, depending on how the list is used. | Writing Numbers pp. 111-113| Numbers expressed in numerals: * 10 and above * Precede a measurement (e. g. , 5 mg)Numbers exp ressed in words: * Below 10 * Beginning a sentence or heading| Citing In Text (Preferred citation format listed)   Note the period follows the parenthesis. There must be a citation on the reference page for each in text citation. | Paraphrasing   p. 170| †¦(Young, 2010). | Direct Quotationp. 170-172| †¦(Young, 2010, p. 3). Note: Limit use of direct quotations! Better to paraphrase and cite. | Secondary source p. 178| †¦ (York, as cited in Johnson, 2009). Note: Only Johnson goes on the reference page. | No Page Numbers p. 171-172|   Give paragraph: (Brown, 2010, para. 3) ORGive section: (Davis, 2010, Abstract section). | No Date   Ã‚  p. 185| †¦(Smith, n. d. ). | Personal Communication   p. 178|   (J. Jones, personal communication, July 12, 2010). Note: Do not include on the reference page | Citing Multiple Authors   No need to memorize, just keep this list handy. pp. 175| Author Number| In Text Citation | Reference List Citation| 2| List both authors every time†¦(Author Author, year)  |   Ã‚  Ã‚  List all authors| 3-5| Cite all authors the first time: †¦(Author, Author, Author, year)Subsequently, cite only the first author followed by et al. †¦(Author et al. , year)  |   Ã‚  Ã‚  List all authors  | 6 or more| First time and every time, cite only the first author followed by et al. Author et al. , year)  Ã‚  Ã‚  |   Ã‚  List all authors| 8 or more| | Include the first seven authors’ names, then insert three ellipses, and add the last author’s name, like this:Author, I. , Author, I. , Author, I. , Author, I. , Author, I. , Author, I. , Author, I. ,†¦Author, I. (year). | Reference Citations Always compare to an example as you build and proofread your references. Every reference needs an in text citation. pp. 180-183; examples: pp. 198-224| General| 1. Reference list begins on a new page, with the word Reference centered at the top of the page 2. There should be a hanging indent on every reference. In MS Word, create a hanging indent by going to â€Å"Format† gt; â€Å"Paragraph† gt; â€Å"Special† gt; select Hanging from the drop down menu. 3. Place references in alphabetical order 4. Reference page should be double-spaced like the rest of the paperno extra spaces| Journal article with a doi (Digital Object Identifier):| Zembylas, M. (2008). Adult learners’ emotions in online learning. Distance Education, 29(1), 71-87. doi: 10. 1080/01587910802004852  | Journal article from a secure database (like our library) with no doi:| Tang, F. , Chou, S. Chiang, H. (2005). Students’ perceptions of effective and ineffective clinical instructors. Journal of Nursing Education, 44(4), 187-192. Retrieved from ProQuest database. | Journal article from the Internet with no doi:| Vesely, P. , Bloom, L. , Sherlock, J. (2007). Key elements of building online community: Comparing faculty and student perceptions. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 3(3), 234-246. Retrieved from http://jolt. merlot. org/vol3no3/vesely. pdf  | Book| Weimer, M. (2002). Learner-centered teaching: Five key changes to practice. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Chapter in a book with multiple authors| Stake, R. E. (2005). Qualitative case studies. In N. K. Denzin Y. S. Lincoln (Eds. ), The Sage handbook of qualitative research (3rd ed. , pp. 443-466). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. | Website with an author| Berwick, D. (n. d. ). Don Berwicks challenge: Eliminate restrictions on visiting hours in the intensive care unit. Retrieved from http://www. ihi. org/knowledge/Pages/ImprovementStories /DonBerwicksChallengeEliminateRestrictionsonVisitingHoursinthe IntensiveCareUnit. px | Website without an author| Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. (2009). Assessment for improvement: Tracking student engagement over time. Retrieved from http://nsse. iub. edu/NSSE_2009_Results/pdf/NSSE_AR_2009. pdf  |   Ã‚  Note: In an APA paper all references would be double-spaced Warning: Indicates a common error. Regarding references: Use only scholarly sources for your assignments. What are scholarly sources? * Peer reviewed journals—examples: Journal of Nursing Education, American Journal of Nursing, Journal of Holistic Nursing. Use only articles available in full text (not just an abstract). * Ideally the articles will have been published in the last 5-10 years. * Text books * Reputable websites—examples: http://nursingworld. org/, http://www. cdc. gov/, http://www. ihi. org/Pages/default. aspx * Wiki’s such as Wikipedia are NOT scholarly sources—do not use. File Name: At American Sentinel University, always name your document (what you save as) using this format: YourName_CourseNumber_Assignment This guide is provided as a convenient reference, but always refer to the APA

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